Calf & Youngstock

Milk Replacers

Our calf and lamb milk replacers are designed to support the growth, health, and wellbeing of your youngstock, by providing the correct balance of specially selected milk proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and additives.

All our milk replacers are produced in Britain using the highest quality ingredients and low-temperature manufacturing, ensuring a consistent, safe and nutritious alternative to liquid milk for young calves.

We have a choice of both whey-based and skim-based milk replacers, with varying specifications, to suit all rearing systems. All milks can be fed either by bucket or through a computerised feeder, and free-flow replacers are also available if ad-lib machines are being used.

We include two additives into all our calf milk replacers, which makes up our Neonate Package, to promote gut health and encourage rumen development. These additives are also added to our Sprinter+ Pellets and EarlyBite Lamb Pellets to help with a smooth transition from milk to feed.

Calf & Lamb Milk Replacers

Meet The Team

We have a specialist Calf and Youngstock Team, dedicated to providing an unbeatable service and invaluable guidance across our entire trading area.

Our team covers Scotland, Northern and Central England, and Wales providing advice and support to our customers on all aspects of calf and youngstock rearing. Between them, they have a wealth of industry and on-farm experience, with technical knowledge and an understanding of different rearing systems and how to maximise youngstock performance.

Lucy Shaw – Calf and Youngstock Specialist (North of England)

Lucy joined us in November 2021 as Calf and Youngstock Specialist for the North of England. For 21 years prior to this, she was working as a Veterinary Nurse, most recently working for a specialist eye referral practice.

Lucy has spent most of her life in and around agriculture, and in recent years has bred and grown her own flock of pedigree sheep. She has vast experience with lambing sheep and has previously worked as a relief milker on a dairy unit.

In her spare time, she spends time with her young family and attends local shows with her sheep.

Contact Lucy on 07570 949256  or Email